
Monday, May 17, 2010


Simply put, Birthday Suits kick ass. Total Fest alums, Birthday Suits are definitely someone we're happy to have back. They pack in aggression, energy, style and passion into their sets as Hideo and Matthew run across the rock n' roll spectrum as well as the stage, floor, and whatever space is available. Their incessant touring keeps this Minni duo fresh in the minds and chests of music fans everywhere. They're pushing out a new album this spring that should provide for some new intensity. The frenzy of motion and music is infectious, and if you haven't seen them before, you'll likely ask yourself, “Where have I been?”

If you're one of those jaded hipsters, then Birthday Suits may be exactly what you need. Their live shows are mesmerizing in their assault upon your cynicism – this is what music is supposed to be: loud, flaring, in motion. Any pretentious, self-aware, self-generated crap is stripped away within seconds of the first sound you hear, and, if you're not swayed by it, then maybe you should go find a mirror and see what's missing.

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