
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I had the pleasure of seeing Broken Water play a show at the Capitol Theater with Japanther and Kimya Dawson in Olympia, Washington in December of 2009. Seeing bands I love away from home is one of my favorite things, ever. I was surrounded by friends, family and a ton of stangers; I had a blast. I didn't know anything about Broken Water, though my two Missoula transplant pals assured me that I was in for a treat. I was reminded that a few years earlier, I had seen BW band members Konoko (drumms/vox) and Jon (guitar/vox) play in another band, Sisters, also with Japanter, also in Olympia, also awesome.

Although it's difficult to touch on exactly what makes this band so great and why I'm so excited that they are coming to Total Fest, I can assure you that they've got the DIY spirit. I anticipate only that you'll love their slighly Siouxsie Sioux/My Bloody Valentine pop psych tunes, low key vibe and groovy live set. Broken Water are one of those bands whose love of the music they make is palpable on the faces of the players. In one of those rare very genuine "we're stoked" kind of ways. Stay tuned to Muffin Tops on KBGA for upcoming Total Interviews with bands like Broken Water. Thurs 5-6PM, 89.9FM."

1 comment:

  1. Sonic Youth fans may want to take note as you won't want to miss this band. Got a couple free cd's of Broken Water at Ear Candy for those who stop by
