
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

They say you can never go home... unless you plan to meet new friends, play music and become the best music-promoting machine this side of the Yellowstone. So long as you've not been living under a scree slope (or outside of Missoula) for the past 6 months or so, you've heard The Skurfs. Whether you're running a 5K, slurping beers in any one of Missoula's downtown taverns, or tuning in to KBGA... The Skurfs get around. No stranger to Missoula's music scene, lead Skurf, "Donny McBride" dove back in head first upon arriving home from a stint in Austin, TX.

The Skurfs claim that they are the first (that they know of) Ski/Surf band to exist in this world. They draw inspiration from both the exhilaration of winter sporting in Montana and the unique excitement created by the tunes of Dick Dale, Link Ray, Thee Hedons, the Ventures and so on. The Skurfs are tight, fun and ambitious like crazy. (The Skurfs tried their darnedest to break into the 2010 Winter Olympics) It's great to have these guys in Missoula, we're excited as an extra in Hot Dog to add them to this year's line-up! The Skurfs, people. The Skurfs.


  1. make sure you give them a full 45 minutes to play... if you don't you might get a repeat of what happened at the elks club which wasn't pretty. ie, pulling the plug on bands who had only played two songs and screaming at the audience.

  2. They'll get 30 minutes, like everybody else. It's Total Fest!
