
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Deny the Dinosaur? is one of Missoula's bands that I have and have always had trouble finding words to match the totally jazzed feeling I get when seeing them live. I've been lucky to witness them roll through many punches, breaks and line-ups. Their most current set up takes the cake. They produce well written songs, all currently instrumental with a serious part prog, part punk vibe. They've recently added a new fella, Ralston, to the mix and he's helped add a little something special that perhaps the bands been seeking for some time. J. Lybeck who fingertaps for DTD agreed to take a moment to talk about then band, tacos and the new deal.

Total Fest: Where ya'll from, originally?
J. Lybeck: Two from Great Falls, Chinook, and Victor.
TF: Deny the Dinosaur has been around for how long?
JL: 5 years, maybe even six.
TF: What was happening musically pre- Deny the Dinosaur?
JL: Really bad punk bands, nothing anyone probably remembers. Jarrod was in a band called The Bright Side (GF), Carson was in Mannequin Republic, err...
TF: The band has been on again, off again. What did we miss while you were away?
JL: Traveling, different solo adventures, none of us have been to school so there's no reason there..., girls, exhaustion.
TF: Deny the Dinosaur is tough to pin down genre wise. What get's you dudes excited musically?
JL: We don't really know what genre we fit into... some kind of rock and roll. We listen to a lot of Hip Hop, Prog, Punk so there's influences somewhere in there. We're an amalgamation of different tastes.
TF: Favorite 90s band?
JL: Brian Jonestown Massacre.
TF: Ideal taco?
JL: Ground beef, soft shell (flour), hot sauce, lettuce.
TF: Personal highlight playing music in Missoula?
JL: Opening for the Faint around a year ago at the Other Side. House shows have been our favorite too, though we're not great for neighbors... kinda loud.
TF: Tours?
JL: We've toured small twice, lots of out of town shows.
TF: Highlights of the new addition, the new line-up?
Jordon: We work well together. There's been a change for the better lately. We've played some really stupid music in the past. We're writing well... Ralston plays sax, keyboard, guitar and other odd instruments. He's added a lot.
TF: Beatles, Stones or Who?
JL: Stones. I also really like the Black Lips, the Velvet Underground...
TF: Any band rituals?
JL: We're typically pretty calm pre-show. We drink to calm the nerves, there's not a lot of talking before, quite a few cigarettes get smoked. That's about it... oh and the trailer lights are usually out so not getting pulled over at night coming home from shows is pretty ritual.

In conclusion, Total Fest IX is proud to announce Deny the Dinosaur?


  1. i didnt say any of that!!!!!

  2. You said all of it. Especially the omitted parts about your deep appreciation for Bertie Higgins, Juice Newton and Quarterflash.

  3. Oh we indeed do remember such as Sharktopus

  4. Don't front, we totally remember Mannequin Republic. =D


    saw this pic on Thug Nasties' space, from a recent show.

    remembered this post and had a laugh. check out the drummer's leg.
