
Tuesday, June 29, 2010


It's time to raise the excite-o-meter flag again. If you've been following the blog you may be a little exhausted from the anticipation you've been feeling since the first band was announced. No matter, time to take a deep breath and brace yourself for the trip-tastic, psycho-blast of Wildildlife. These cats rock. When they confirmed last year, I bought three new pair of boxers so I could make it through their set and that was hardly enough. Experimental, sludgy, drenched in smoke stained soot there's little not to froth about. They mix together some blues and acid rock in a way that reminds me of Black Sabbath rogering Pink Floyd. Throw in some early Buttholes and you may have something to latch onto. But, that's only the tip of the iceberg. This isn't your grandma's stoner rock. Six and Peas Feast are must haves, and you don't want to miss the dreadlocked drum pounding, hair whipping guitar and pop-sludge vocals. Wildildlife provides maniacal, sing-along distortions that will keep your neck hairs trembling for a few days.

SXSW#11: Wildildlife performing at aQ/WFMU showcase from Denman C Anderson on Vimeo.

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