
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June and Julie get it. Less is more, more often than not. These girls, currently living in France, go way back, but have only recently re-connected to write and sing out their pockets full of sweetly simple, sometimes sad, sometimes sassy, songs. They were a band for 3 short weeks before they recorded with Travis Sehorn and released a (totally free) tape. Soon after, they were gone, over seas, to write, play, travel, work and return just in time for Total Fest IX.

Prepare for well-written tunes accompanied by seaside accordion, summery ukulele and extra-lovely harmonia. Julie and the Wolves are on the new side as a band but see them play and suppose they've been at it for years. They're a rad team, playing awesome songs and we're stoked to bring them to you via Total Fest this August. They'll be a perfect match for your record swapping, DIY Bazaar perusing, ice cream eating Saturday afternoon. In my book, they're right up there with Scout, Joanna, Edith, Salt and Pepa.

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