
Monday, August 23, 2010

I think Carly Starbird's quote (above) captures it better than anything longer winded. I mean, Ach mein gott, man! Are you kidding? From the opening notes of Abe Coley's space-jam, to the pop-heave of Muhammadali to the melodies of Street Eaters, power of Warcry, jam-sense of Grandparents and scuzz-menace of White Drugs, Total Fest IX was a blast. Highlights are too copious to list, lowpoints involve only hearing loss, too few hours in the day, and so many friends to re-connect with.
The picture of Oneida on the right here was taken by the folks at who have got a slide show up too. We'll keep you posted on developments around here, but for now, thank you for coming, get ahold of us if you haven't gotten paid and thank you for making Total Fest what it is. It's a lot of work, but I come off it pretty well charged up for a good handful of weeks. It's such a refreshing thing to see so much incredible, diverse music in one weekend. Additionally, it's an honor for us organizers (Lou, Wendy, Kari, Julie, Niki, Josh, Josh, Johnny, Genna, Neight, Marty, Jordon, Erin) to be part of something as community as Total Fest is. It wouldn't be anything without people to cook food, house bands, buy passes, play music, organize record swaps and all things in between.
We're hocking what leftover shirts and posters we have at


  1. Thank you for having us, and thank you for supporting the music community at large. We enjoyed every moment in Missoula, and were radically changed by our experience. MUCH LOVE from Night of Joy!!!

  2. Absolutely Kari too, in a big huge way. Sort of stream o' conscioused that thing..

  3. Glad to have Night of Joy up, Bree! Crazy blast of tunes you guys do. Can't wait to hear more.
