
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

These freakin' Albertans are onto something lately. Not sure what it is about oil-wealthy western Canada, but they're kind of running things. Friendo, who I think have got a dude from Women, are an awesome, spooky pop group from there.

Women, also Calgarians, has ruled my world since hearing their second record, Public Strain last year. It caused me to seek out their first, self-titled LP, and that thing's been on heavy rotation in our household. At the time of the s/t record, they sounded kind of like a subtler, more creative Pixies or something. Great short songs, awesome parts, good hooks. Weird twists and turns and excellently recorded. That was the Women S/T. Public Strain reminded me (and I think lots of folks) of Sister-era Sonic Youth to an awesome extent. And not in the we just-heard-Daydream-Nation sort of way, more like a, we weave guitar parts together in a weird, awesome way like SY.

So, on to Friendo: what's their deal? I like this stuff because it's experimental, kind of wonderfully basic, and fresh. Come and see. Or, at minimum for now, click and see.

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