
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pins of Light: Visions of the Future

We're excited to welcome San Francisco's Pins of Light out to Total Fest this year. We've hosted many a great bands from their neck of the woods in the past (Street Eaters, PIGS, Saviours, Wildildlife, etc) and have been hearing whispers about this rad and relatively new band over the past year. They recently released their debut album II on the ever-excellent Alternative Tentacles earlier this year, had a song or two featured on a Thrasher skate vid (linked below) and come from a long lineage of equally awesome and explosive punk bands from the past and present such as Dead and Gone, Hightower, Triclops! and others.

Their LP's opener 4112 blasts off into a galloping, NWOBHM-inspired jam, and as the record powers on, the band explores some spacier territory with plenty of earth-shaking riffs and dark, futuristic themes (as if the record's cover art was not an indicator). We're not the first to compare bassist/vocalist Shane Baker's vocals to KARP's Jared Warren or even Motorhead's Lemmy, and for obvious reasons, we probably won't be the last. While the band draws influence from those mentioned above they cover quite a bit of ground with their driving and all-over-the-place mix of heavy metal, punk, prog and stoner rock. It's hard to 'pin' down but it is some extraordinary stuff, none the less, and we're looking forward to having them in Missoula this August.

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