
Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I’ll be the first to admit that I often jump to conclusions. Whether it’s your layered polo shirts, with popped collars *plural*, or your weird facial hair choices, I will judge you immediately. This isn’t to say that if you have a neck tattoo you can’t contribute to society, or that my presumptions are always accurate, but it’s just something that I do, and I’m not the only one.

Anyway, point is, when I first heard the band name “Guantanamo Baywatch” on the bill for the Burger Boogaloo in San Francisco earlier this year, I had high hopes. It takes quite a group of folks to pull off a name like that. And needless to say, as I sit here typing this, months later, I was not disappointed.

Guantanamo Baywatch rock.

Critics have cited surf greats like Dick Dale, but this isn’t your typical Socal fare. This PDX-based threesome don’t shy away from their roots in the Northwest, with darkness and recklessness, appealing to my pit-going sensibilities. This stuff isn’t just danceable, it’s freak-out inducing.

The prestigious tastemakers at Dirtnap Records released GB’s second LP last month, and they will be touring all over in support of it, including, of course, Total Fest XI.

You can stream the ENTIRE new record here. Enjoy, and don’t miss their set here in August!

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