
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Second Fiddle to No One: Total Fest 2012, Round 2

By now, you're bubbling as much as we are. Things are really coming together, and the line-up grows more exciting by the day. We're working hard to solidify everything. If you're waiting to hear from us -- our apologies. We'll have everything set in stone over this week.
We're up to our second blast this week. Couldn't be happier. It's an impressive list that should have your rock-fist pumping in no time. As with the last one, we'll follow this up with more detailed descriptions, observations, delusions, analogies, etc. over the following days. Stay tuned.
There are some old friends in here, stirred around with a few homegrown miscreants, shaken and topped with exotic tastes from the east and midwest. It's a list that you can't afford to gloss over. A fair blend of the weird, loud, and fun ...
Installment number 2 forTotal Fest 2012.
Abe Coley Missoula, MT
Bacon and Egg Missoula, MT
The Best Westerns Missoula, MT
Big Eyes Seattle, WA
Bugs Portland, Or
Criminal Code Olympia, WA
Dan Deacon Baltimore, MD
Gay Witch Abortion Minneapolis, MN
Guantanamo Baywatch Oakland, CA
Iron Lung Seattle, WA
Lecherous Gaze Bay Area, CA
Lozen Tacoma, WA
Walls Seattle, WA
White Walls Cincinatti, OH

1 comment:

  1. sweet! gay with abortion, iron lung, walls, lecherous gaze, dan deacon... can't wait to hear more.
