
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Boom Swagger Salon

Once again, we here at Total Fest are thrilled to name Boom Swagger as one of our sponsors! Last year, we posted a list of some of the reasons this local salon staple is great. Of course, all of those still reasons still apply, but I'd like to take this opportunity to personally expand on that list just a tad:

6. When I moved here three years ago, I had the lingering city-boy-stress of finding a salon that could do my gloriously thinning locks justice. Lo and behold, Boom Swagger was just the joint to make me feel right at home. Some people have their go-to mechanic; I have my go to stylist (Katie, holla). Proud to say, three years and counting, I haven't even had to consider looking elsewhere.

7. Everyone on staff their is friendly and knowledgeable. It's the thing you hope for with any business you patronize, but Boom Swagger always hits it out of the park (not to mix metaphors, but I'm having trouble coming up with the hair-styling equivalent of hitting a home run, my bad).

8. As previously addressed in last year's list, their name comes from a Murder City Devils song, which is awesome, but I can't help but think of Lil' B and all his SWAG when I hear their name. For me this is a very, very good thing. SWAG.

9. In addition to their excellent pre-cut refreshment service, they also have a great reading selection.

10. Like all of our sponsors, they are a generous, community driven business.

Whether you're a local who hasn't tried 'em out yet, or a shaggy, road-worn traveler coming in Total Fest weekend whose mop needs a little management, I can't think of--or recommend--a better place to go get your do done.

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