
Wednesday, May 27, 2015


How many words do pictures say?
The Everyday Sinners were a late '90s/early-oughts Missoula band that played scuzzy rock and roll not
dissimilar to something like the Rip-Offs or, I don't know, the Estrus '90s scene. They went through a couple of lineups, the first with Wes Delano, who famously (well, Missoula famous) wore a discarded (presumably during butchering) deer's rib cage during one of their shows at Jay's. It was hunting season and I think he may have found it in an alley. Post-show, the ribs got kicked under the stage and for a few days no one could quite figure out what the massive stink was... Wes does some great visual art now, stuff that combines spray paint stencils and acrylic textures. He had a piece at VonCommon's PromCommon event just last night, in fact.

Anyhow, the second iteration of the Everyday Sinners brought on Marcus Herring on second guitar and vocals. That was the only version of the band I got to see, and they were ferocious. Awesome, head-down fast punk rock. Inspired by stuff like the New Bomb Turks and Dwarves, but a little more country. I rode out with them to Seattle one time, ostensibly as a roadie, though I'm not sure if there was any merchandise to help sell. I did probably carry something. The Sinners played with a pre-Whip, post-Karp Scott Jernigan band called the Bronze, I think. Best part was the drumming. Anyhow, what I remember most about that show was going in wondering how they were going to do with a big city Seattle, seen-it-all kind of audience. Fact was they held their own and really slayed. I think some of that was the fact that the Midnight Thunder Express/Valentine Killers guys had sewn some good will for them, and part of it was that they were just damn good.

Josh May who'd been in the Hedons was a Sinner, so was John Fleming from Ear Candy and the Oblio Joes, as was Jason Phillips. They played pretty regularly until about 2002 or '03, and then May moved to Atlanta, where is is to this day, tattooing people and making art. To my knowledge there hasn't been any Everyday Sinners show is well over ten years. We're pretty stoked to have the Everyday Sinners play.

(Apparently the internet doesn't have anything by them, we'll find something to put up!)

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