
Monday, June 7, 2010

Outrageous, Infectious, participatory and undeniably dance-rageous are just a few words that first come to mind when trying to describe this band. Something tells me though, that there are not too many people to whom this band needs introduction or explanation. No Fi Soul Rebellion has played Missoula a whole bunch, they've toured a bunch, self released a bunch of records and has spent a fair amount of a bunch of time blasting you with songs, videos, show announcements, art, etc... via every virtual platform available. Bonus: A few years back, they toured with Presidents of the United States of America, putting them on massive stages in front of massive crowds, which is right where they belong.

If you lived in or passed through Missoula in the early 2000s you had the pleasure of seeing a handful of different versions of NFSR before Mark met and finalized the line-up with his wife Andrea. It's a unique and special opportunity to witness that type of positive growth and transition and how exciting to see them here at Total Fest IX! One of the hardest working, furthest traveling, wildest energy producing, breaking-WAY-into-your-comfort-zone bands to ever form in the Garden City, No Fi Soul Rebellion, welcome home to Missoula, welcome finally... it's been way too long, to Total Fest!


  1. NO-FI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Woooot!

  2. Woot, Woot! Been too long, No-Fi!

  3. When I first moved to town No Fi played a show- I did not go as I was not familiar and had heard a song or two and did not get excited. Then about a year ago they came back and I went at the urging of a friend(Thanks Jim) and needless to say it was well worth it. The dance party that ensued had people moving and sweating together in a frenzy of trying to push their way past each other in order to be the one in the front. This band definitely knows how to get Missoula stoked.
