
Monday, June 7, 2010

Here's pieces of a perfect, I-Couldn't-Have-Said-It Better, review of Total Favorites, Tacocat: "Often dismissed as a joke band, Tacocat has surprisingly good pop instincts with a rough, unpolished riot grrrl sound." "...Bikini Kill... that’s who their sound immediately brings to mind. They have a similar lineup (three women and a male guitarist) and sing about personal women’s issues. Bikini Kill, however, saw the personal as political and Tacocat sees the personal as really funny (they’ve got songs about muffin tops, wearing leotards, etc.."

"Tacocat might be the goofy band that plays your party – except they write very catchy songs and don’t let the pop hooks get drowned out by the loud, messy guitar parts. Like The Ramones, most of Tacocat’s songs are around two minutes." "Singer Emily Nokes, whose hair might be the brightest shade of red I’ve ever seen, has a magnetic stage presence and her voice is very melodic. They are a fun band that has zero pretension and doesn’t take themselves too seriously. I think the moment they start, the joke will be over. In the meantime, I’m going to try to catch every upcoming Tacocat show I can."

To read the complete review click here.


  1. I don't think there's anything joke band about Tacocat other than their anogram name. I've seen them two times and they've got the sort of rapport with show goers and band-power that instantly indeers them with a roomful of the most dirverser bunch of folks.

  2. err, I mean.. "endears." Freakin' TACOCAT!

  3. One of my fav's from last year. Can't wait- maybe we may be able to have some Beer For Breakfast again with our Muffin Top.


  4. That's right the dude in this band is none other than......................Ron Wolfman Trash..from The Trashies

    Some may remember his bare bottom at The Loft when The Trashies came through a few years back.

    TACOCAT rule and are playing at The Badlander, Total Test 5, July 2nd with The Budgets from Billings along with Missoula's Secret Powers and Streetlight People.
