Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Total Fest VIII Line-Up
We're planning to do this a little differently this year, and rather than drop the whole big list off at your door at once to be looked at, semi-digested and then forgotten, we're planning to trickle our line-up out in bits and pieces. This week, we're pleased as punch to start moving this forward with the announcement that Huntsville Alababma's Pine Hill Haints are playing.
They're a band that needs little introduction, they've toured the nation (and other nations) dozens of times. Their music is a mix of old-time instrumentation (washboard, wash-tub bass, squeeze box, banjo, trap set, etc.) and Faulkner-style southern stories. It's a pretty special thing to witness in the live setting, and their big handfull of recorded output is a thing to behold. Its depression-era laments, love songs and tales is only too fitting for today's tough times.

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